Lip Fillers from Temple Clinic
We don’t do cheap lips, we fix them.
There are many reasons why people choose this particular treatment. Some people get lip fillers because as they age, their lips have lost their definition - some people have noticed there is an imbalance to the appearance of their lips - whereas others are just fed up using lip liner to enhance their pout and want something longer lasting than their daily make-up. When it comes to your face - you shouldn’t let price make the decision for you.
Injectable treatments may be ‘non-surgical’ but injecting a product into your body is a medical procedure, so surely you want it done properly using the right technique, right product and by the right person. It’s not just a beauty treatment - this procedure, if done incorrectly could damage your looks - forever. Many medical professionals would argue against going to a non-medic or a beauty therapist - as if something goes wrong a beautician cannot dissolve the filler. If you don’t like the results a beauty therapist cannot do anything other than just add more filler. What if you suffer an allergic reaction or there is an urgent need to correct the result. Would you prefer a beauty therapist or a medically trained specialist to be responsible for your care. Unfortunately, the current UK legislation on dermal fillers and other injectables is practically non-existent - anyone can legally inject anything into you so long as you give them permission.
It is therefore essential for your health and your face that you undertake proper research before having treatment. At the very least, go to a medical professional who has had the correct training and is qualified to deal with any problems that may arise. Of course you can get cheap lip filler treatments - but why do you think that is. Do you know how much training your practitioner has had? Do they have insurance to help you if something goes wrong? Do you trust what they are telling you that they are going to inject into you? Do you know where they got their products from? Did you have a medical consultation before your treatment to make sure that there is no reason that you should not be having treatment?
Social media can be very misleading as the practitioner may have a great following, but have they paid for that through providing great services or have they merely boosted their numbers by offering treatments as prizes for liking and sharing the post. Before you even consider getting onto the treatment couch make sure that you do your research. It’s your face that will pay for you making a bad choice. So what can you expect when you decide you would like lip fillers at Temple Clinic? If you’ve done your research you will know you are in multi-award winning medical hands! You would first book for an initial aesthetic consultation with Dr Sam Robson to discuss the results that you are hoping to achieve. She will look at your own facial proportions and advise on how she could help you to achieve the desired look. Dr Robson will take photos before any treatment is done and she will talk you through her plans for treating you.
She will discuss risks and benefits of the procedure and will provide you with details of the costs for treatment, any possible downtime/side effects and how long you can expect the results to last for. She will even encourage you to take time to think about your options if you are not sure if this is the right treatment for you. Dr Robson will provide you with all of this vital information with no obligation to go ahead with treatment. No treatment can go ahead without a proper consultation, photos and completion of a detailed consent form.
The actual treatment takes just minutes and Dr Robson will ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed. She will apply a numbing cream on your lips (because they are a sensitive area) and she will talk you through what she is doing to keep you at ease. The filler is carefully injected using an ultrafine needle. Dr Robson will then massage your lips to make sure the filler is evenly distributed in the right areas and then check that you are happy with the results.
After pictures, will be taken for you to allow you both to see the change and your new lips - this can be done at the same appointment or at a later date if time does not permit. You will leave the clinic with aftercare advice and usually no downtime, being able to return to work or the demands of your normal day. Most patients can experience a little swelling or bruising, however, this is perfectly normal and this should settle within a couple of days. For first time lip fillers, you can expect to see instant results but these will not be permanent. We recommend repeating the treatment every year if you want to maintain your new look. Book your Aesthetic Consultation for lip fillers with multi-award winning Dr Sam Robson.